How to create documentation with Sphinx

mar. 23 octobre 2018 by Martin Deudon

Add comments to your Python code

The documentation will be generated from the docstrings (~comments) added in your code.


In PyCharms, the docstring format can be selected (here NumPy) :



Install sphinx :

pip install Sphinx

Sphinx-quickstart :

Create a doc directory in your project root directory and launch sphinx_quickstart and follow the instructions :

mkdir doc
cd doc

You'll be asked for the Project name, Author name, and to enable or not some extensions. Enable autodoc when asked. You can also enable doctest, intersphinx, mathjax, viewcode and githubpages.

Once done, files, index.rst, make.bat, and Makefile are created

Sphinx autodoc:

The Sphinx autodoc extension (see converts docstrings from your Python code into the final documentation format at Sphinx build-time.

In the doc directory run the following command :

sphinx-apidoc -o rst/ ../$PROJECT_NAME

Where the directory ../$PROJECT_NAME contains your source code.

This will create .rst (reStructuredText) files for every python file. These .rst in the source directory do not containt the docstrings, but just directives on how to build the documentation.

Build the doc

Build the Makefile in the doc/ directory (e.g. for html output) :

make html

If you encounter this error :


It means sphinx could not locate the source (.py) files of your project. You need to indicate in the file in the doc/ directory, the location of the source directory. To do this uncomment and complete the first few lines of the file in the --- Path Setup --- part :
