jeu. 08 novembre 2018
Tags : Stimic notebook

Stimic - Analysis - Artefact evolution across contacts

Download the notebook : Shape evolution of the stimulation artefact along the electrode¶In this notebook, we analyse how the shape of the artefact changes when the distrance from the recording site to the stimulation site increases. In [3]: %matplotlib inline import matplotlib import numpy as np import pandas …

jeu. 08 novembre 2018

Stimic - Analysis - Artifact Carac

Download the notebook : Caracterization of the stimulation artefact¶ In [1]: %matplotlib inline import mne import pandas as pd import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys import seaborn as sns sys.path.append('../stimic_main/') import utils_stimic import utils_eeg_cleaning from stim_analysis_fun import * sns.set() sns.set_context …

jeu. 08 novembre 2018
Tags : Stimic notebook

Stimic - Analysis - Stim count

Download the notebook : Count Stim¶This notebook show how to count the number of stimulations in function of the different stimulation paremeters from the Stimulation Event File In [1]: %matplotlib inline import matplotlib import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn …

jeu. 08 novembre 2018
Tags : Stimic detector

Stimic - Stimulation Detection Algorithm

Detection Algorithm Details 1 Hz Stimulation For 1Hz stimulation we count the number of peaks if the threshold signal in the window [-0.1s, 10.1s] around each time of threshold crossing. If the number of peaks if equal to 10 more or less, the event is considered a 1Hz …

jeu. 08 novembre 2018
Tags : Stimic

Stimic - Stimulation Event List Creation

This article describes the procedure used for listing all the stimulations events through a semi-automated pipeline. The details of the detection algorithm can be found here Artifact Detection in macro-electrodes Description Goal : Detect (semi)-automatically stimulation artifacts on the macro-signals. Detection output must give the onset time of the stim …

lun. 22 octobre 2018

Hardware tools for reducing noise in micro-recordings

A complete list of all hardware used for reducing noise in micro-electrode recordings is avalaible here. Spectrum Analyzer SPECTRAN-NF 1010E The Spectran NF-1010E from Aaronia is a spectrum analyzer. It can measures both electric and magnetic fields in a frequency range of 10Hz to 10kHz. It is very useful for …

lun. 04 octobre 2010
Tags : M4 Cochlea Model


The simplecochlea package is a basic cochlea model, designed during the M4 project, for the conversion of sound into spikes. The code is availaible here. The doc is here

lun. 04 octobre 2010


Hybrid electrode New micro-macro electrode : The image was generated with OpenScad, from these 2 files : tetrode_only micro-macro More detailed images. File conversion Report to this article for more details. Scripts for converting files and for synchronizing macro and micro data are here. Multiples format are used to record and analyze …

lun. 04 octobre 2010


Intro Thanks to the new DIXI micro-macro electrode, single-unit activity can be recorded in epileptic patients during sEEG exploration. Analyses Spike-Sorting Many spike-sorting tools exist (WaveClus, SpykingCircus, tridesclous, Spike2, ...). See here for more. We have chosen SpykingCircus, it has the advantages of handling tetrode configuration, to be designed in Python …

lun. 04 octobre 2010
Tags : iEEG SAB pySAB Memory


The pySAB package is a python module designed to analyze the data from the SAB experiment. It contains script for ERP analysis, feature extraction, decoding, correlation analysis, ... Github link : Documentation :