
lun. 04 octobre 2010 by Martin Deudon

Hybrid electrode

New micro-macro electrode :

The image was generated with OpenScad, from these 2 files :

More detailed images.

File conversion

Report to this article for more details.

Scripts for converting files and for synchronizing macro and micro data are here.

Multiples format are used to record and analyze iEEG data :

  • Macro-electrodes are usually recorded in the .edf format
  • micro-electrodes recorded with the Blackrock microsystems amplifier are stored in .ns5 format with metadata and sometime triggers stored in a .nev file


The micmac interface was specifically designed to visualize micro and Macro files.


Electro-magnetic noise

Hardware Solutions

Hardware tools for reducing the noise : here

Software Solutions

  • LNC

Noise level in micro-recordings

Scripts for estimating the noise levels in iEEG recordings are available here : https://github.com/tinmarD/NoiseEstimation