lun. 22 octobre 2018
Tags : Epifar iEEG EDF

File conversion

How to use the file conversion scripts. Change the format. Create a new montage. Deal with Epifar Files

lun. 22 octobre 2018

Hardware tools for reducing noise in micro-recordings

A complete list of all hardware used for reducing noise in micro-electrode recordings is avalaible here. Spectrum Analyzer SPECTRAN-NF 1010E The Spectran NF-1010E from Aaronia is a spectrum analyzer. It can measures both electric and magnetic fields in a frequency range of 10Hz to 10kHz. It is very useful for …

lun. 04 octobre 2010
Tags : Epifar iEEG debug EDF

Debug EDF Files

Missing header information L'en-tête (header) des fichiers .edf contient des métadonnées sur le patient, l'hôpital... Si certaines de ces données sont absentes, cela peut poser problème lors de l'ouverture du fichier selon le lecteur utilisé (cela ne semble pas avoir d'impact sur EEGLAB mais pose problème sur Anywave). Il existe …

lun. 04 octobre 2010


Hybrid electrode New micro-macro electrode : The image was generated with OpenScad, from these 2 files : tetrode_only micro-macro More detailed images. File conversion Report to this article for more details. Scripts for converting files and for synchronizing macro and micro data are here. Multiples format are used to record and analyze …

lun. 04 octobre 2010


Github link : micmac Documentation : micMac was designed to visualize and analyse intracerebral recordings. micMac handles micro- and Macro- recordings and is helpful for visualizing signals recorded by hybrids electrodes. Installation Install EEGLAB and add it to the MATLAB path. Install the Biosig toolbox from …